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Fresh Lines: 'Unwritten Lines' by Estelle Savasta

Date: 1st October 2019 

Location: Spring Restaurant, Somerset House.

Year 11 pupils in Cavaillon, France were challenged by Estelle Savasta - acclaimed writer and director - to ‘write that one letter that you’ve never written’. This not so simple task eventually then brought life to ‘Unwritten Letters’

The now well-developed play consists of readings of the emotional letters written by the children and their equally heartfelt responses. The responses were written as though the writer was actually the one receiving the letter, and all of this beautiful correspondence was curated by Estelle Savasta; and then brought to life in gripping performances by actors Jack Bennett and Sarah Goddard.

One fervent letter read is from a young girl to her father who abandoned her, and another from a boy to his grandfather who had passed away. The most intriguing, and perhaps relatable, letter was penned by a girl which questioned and explored the theme of her ‘existence’ and explores what it is like to be a child in the modern world.

These intimate performances were held in the enchanting space and enjoyed over a delicious breakfast courtesy of ‘The Spring’ - one of the restaurants at Somerset House. 

#FLODown: A captivating performance by actors Jack Bennett and Sarah Goddard relaying the beautiful and complicated, but also inspiring thoughts of teenagers.  We left wondering if life really gets any less complicated the older we get…

Event Creator: Trish Wadley 

Translated by Kirsten Hazel Smith 

Theatrical experience by Marianne Badrichani and Mark Maughan

See this gallery in the original post