Nwando Ebizie's Extreme Unction Vol.2 to open at Toynbee Studios

Nwando Ebizie presents Extreme Unction Vol. 2 - a guided multi-sensory experience at Toynbee Studios this June.

Image: Nwando Ebizie. Photo by Dimitri Djuric

British-Nigerian multidisciplinary artist Nwando Ebizie presents Extreme Unction Vol. 2, a 70-minute guided multi-sensory experience at London's Toynbee Studios, running from 28 June -2 July. Inspired by the life and spirit of visionary Hildegard von Bingen, the performance is part of a larger immersive piece called Hildegard: Visions, commissioned by Mahogany Opera with support from Arts Council England. Extreme Unction Vol. 2 creates a transformative space where grieving and loss intersect with ecstasy and exultation, offering a liminal sonic-ritual art environment.

Image: Nwando Ebizie, Extreme Unction Vol 2. Β© Seren Oakley

Collaborating with architect/designer Bethany Wells and musician/instrument designer Tom Richards, Nwando has constructed the Celestial Tent as both a sculptural and sonic piece. Drawing influence from hammams, saunas, and bathing spaces from different cultures, the Tent serves as the centerpiece of the experience. Audience members will be guided by a knowledgeable host in a 20-minute welcome session, where they will be offered a hot drink curated by chef Adam Thomason. They will then have the opportunity to enter the Celestial Tent, a geodesic dome structure, for a 30-minute immersive sound and light experience. The Tent offers benches with various tactile surfaces, a central reflecting pool, and the freedom to sit, lay down, or move around. Following this, participants will be led in a 20-minute reflection and sharing session by their guide, while enjoying a refreshing cool drink.

Image: Nwando Ebizie, Extreme Unction Vol 2. Β© Seren Oakley

Nwando Ebizie describes Extreme Unction Vol. 2 as a liminal sonic-ritual art environment, a space where grieving and loss intersect with ecstasy and exultation. It provides a multi-sensory experience of intimacy, listening, stillness, and communing with inner and outer worlds through sound, touch, taste, and a sense of the body in space. The aim is to draw communities together after experiencing significant losses and to prepare for new beginnings. The Celestial Tent functions as a speculative architectural piece, serving as both a sonic installation and an imagined communal bathing space. It incorporates neurodivergent and biophilic design approaches and serves as an initiation into a new world, blurring the boundaries between past and present while inviting participants to bathe in mesmerising beauty and embrace oblivion before returning to new life. The sonic journey responds to β€˜Favus distillans’ by Hildegard von Bingen, a sensuous song celebrating death, rebirth, and fecund fertility.

Opening on 28 June at Toynbee Studies, Extreme Unction Vol. 2 promises to be an immersive experience that pushes the boundaries of traditional performance art.

Date: 28 June – 1 July 2023. Time: 2-8pm. Location: Toynbee Studios, 28 Commercial Street, E1 6AB. Price: Pay What You Can. Book now.