TOTW: why do we judge politicians so harshly for adolescent drug use?


Recently Michael Gove, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster came under scrutiny for his previous drug use and this had us wondering, why do we judge politicians so harshly for previous drug use?  The reality is most politicians such as Boris Johnson and David Cameron have admitted to some sort of drug use in their youth, and this isnโ€™t dissimilar to the youthful experiences of most of the population.

Whilst some may feel outraged at their drug use or appalled at the hypocrisy of it all, as governments continue to push policies of recreational drug prohibition for drugs they have indulged in themselves. However delivering a barrage of scrutiny to politicians adds fuel to the hypocrisy and also adds momentum to such policies. One could argue we should spend less time passing judgement on politicians for their adolescent drug use and more concentration on if they are effective in their role at present.

Before you may proudly profess you havenโ€™t indulged in recreational drug use of any sort, and thus feel entitled to deliver judgement, the reality is the majority of the population have, and with elections won on merely 51%, we all know the majority standsโ€ฆ 

#FLODown: We would rather a political figure that has lived through similar experiences to the general public and applies lessons from their life experiences to their decision-making.