Vol. 4: the things Londoners love to complain about

Complaining about things is a typical British trait, it helps to unify us together in a sense of collective dread. Complaining is a key part of the daily ritual when living in London a ritual some may say is a great source of stress relief, and we could not agree more! 

This week in Things Londoner Lover to Complain About…


Too much drinking

We love to complain about drinking too much. Especially as it’s now commonplace to booze on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday and occasionally a Sunday.

Maybe one day it would be nice to do an activity in London that didn’t involve alcohol? Just once? ( A complaint we frequently make whilst at the pub…#lifeofalondonder)



They’re also a bit loud and annoying and too full of joy. We don’t want to listen to your laughter after we’ve had a full day of work. It’s just not fair.



People who aren’t on time. The most appalling manners. But then it’s also a bit rude when people get annoyed when we’re late? Sorry.


Self-service checkouts

β€œUnexpected item in bagging area”. For F**k’s sake comes to mind...

People with bad manners

For example: 

 - People who don’t hold doors open 

- People who cancel plans last minute

- People who eat with their mouth open – made worse with loud chewing / smacking noises   


Cold callers 

Everyone hates a cold call. Especially those that start with a hello, you respond, and then a robot responds. No thank you.

Or, what’s worse is the popular, β€œwe hear you’ve been involved in a car accident” when you most definitely live in London and definitely don’t even know how to drive.

Have you got any pressing complaints of your own?

Click here to send us your complaints titled β€˜Your Fix: Things Londoners Love to Complain About’ .


Your FixMaawura Totoe